Ready to “Bang” Your English?

I'll be there for you 我会在那儿陪伴着你 When you're screaming, but they only hear you whisper 每当你竭力嘶吼 却无人理会 I'll be loud for you 我会替你大声呼喊 I'll be loud for you 为了你声嘶力竭 I got you, I promise 我保证 我会用心爱你 ...

I'll be there for you 我会在那儿陪伴着你 When you're screaming, but they only hear you whisper 每当你竭力嘶吼 却无人理会 I'll be loud for you 我会替你大声呼喊 But you gotta be there for me too 我想你也一定会陪伴着我吧 But you gotta be there for me ...

许渊冲曾将《诗经》《唐诗三百首》等译成英法文,将“三民主义”译为“of the people, for the people, by the people”,惊艳全场。他提出翻译“优化论”:翻译是美的创造,神似胜于形似。要做到“意美、音美、形美”,三美之中,最重意美。用加词、换词和减词等方法,通过...

2. 你会不会感觉自己经常老用同一句很kindergarten的英语来表达自己的同一种感情,甚至是一种深刻的感情? For example, 你朋友帮了你一个很大的忙,你会不会觉得只说一个“Thank you very much”好没有人情味,但是那要怎么来表达呢? 3. 因为我们的母语不是英语,所以很难...

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